
Maria is an international success coach for entrepereneurs and a soulful business guru to thousands of people who follow her work in different languages around the globe. Read some of the testimonials and success stories here.

The women course completely transformed my life. Before taking the course I was lost, disconnected, I was trying hard to win, I was husteling and the harder i was working the less i was accomplishing. After completing the three months “women in business” course with Maria, now i’m in touch with my emotions. I’m a new person, I have deep personal fulfillment and inner happiness. I”m growing, i’m working less but accomplishing more and enjoying more. And I owe all this because of the women course. I believe for any woman in the business world this course is the jumping stage.
Mina Salmani
Women In Business Course
There is no more happiness and joy in life than to know humans are grateful to their creature, god because of your presence in their lives…. And today I have a deep feeling of happiness, satisfaction, gratitude and love in my heart and I’m so grateful to my creature, god for your presence in my life.. I’m grateful and apricitative to you Maria for who you are and what you do.. For everything you teach, for giving us a reason to live, showing us our purpose in life. You plant the seeds of hope and light in the darkest and sadest hearts and minds. You are a gift… the best gift for the world and humans.. I know, the best gratitude and aknowledgment words for you is to promise you that I’m growing, leading and passing forward and continuing your calling and what you are standing for in the world… I love you, Happy bday..
Farida Akbari
Modern Network Course
My transformation coach, Happy birthday! There is not a day that i’m not grateful for your powerful present in my life. You changed the meaning and value of life for me. And because of what you teach me I could finally experience joy, peace and fulfillment of life. I’m beside you, walking with you to make a different in the lives of other people. Stay for us as our societies need women like you.
Fatemeh Askarinia
Women In Business Course
I believe if you don’t sell these courses out there to people who need to hear your message, you are doing a dis-service to the world and to yourself Maria. I fully believe and have faith in everything you teach. Everyday I see the prove miracles of what you teach in my life and lives of people around me. And I keep sharing it with more people.
Farida Akbari
Modern Network Course
It’s not only the training, techniques or information in Maria’s courses and coaching that has you become successful. I believe it’s her intentions, her energy and the way she hold her students in her mind and the vision, believe in she hold for you when you work with her that has you be successful and free from barriers and limitations. I don’t even recognize myself since I’ve been working with Maria. I’ve been growing with the speed of light everyday because she wants me to.
Neda Jalalipour
Modern Network Course
When I signed up for “women course” I had no money, but lots of debt. But for every monthly payment due somehow money was surprisingly showing up to my life and i was able to complete my payments on time and register for another course with Maria.
Zahra Rajaei
Women In Business Course
I’m listening to second module on Sales and marketing in Modern Business course where Maria talks about limiting beliefs and fears.. Every time I listen and do the homework, the next day new customers and clients reach out and want to purchase from me. It’s magical.
Neda Khadem
Modern Network Course
My self steam has been increased since I’ve participated in Maria’s courses. With the techniques she trained us I’m able to easily approach and connect with anyone for business. My attitude has completly changed and I have more influence out there in my networks. I have new people in my business team, new happy customers, my sales are increasing everyday. I have no more fear of sales or closing. I work with faith and trust. I feel I need to listen to the recording modules hundreds of times and every time I learn something new. I’m honored to be able to be part of your course. I still have hard time believing how I was able to pay the course completely without any hardship or frustration. It was easy. I was ready to borrow but i didn’t have to, it all came together. and today i feel so empowered around money.
Mojdeh Hehghan
Modern Network Course
Since I’ve been listening to Money module on the course I started to practice being generous and giving and the results are amazing. One of the things i did was to create a contest for my customers and the winner get a price worth $55. We had two people won with very close numbers. I decided to be generous and gave both of them the $55 price. Surprisingly that opened a flow of income to my life. That day I made over $700 more than what I normally make. And I had more clients than ever reach out to my business. I’m so grateful for getting the power of giving in Money course.
Mahsa Eimani
Modern Network Course
Maria I’m starting to know, see myself in this course differently. I’m seeing and accepting who i really am. A new view and vision of myself. I’m getting my values, principles and why I’m here. It’s interesting. Like a miracle.. I feel so powerful. A new power is emerging that I’ve never experianced before. I feel for blosseming and becoming a new person nothing is missing in me anymore. People around me respond differently. Which is very interesting. And everytime a new feeling, power, acknowledgment show up I only remember you and hear your voice and everything you’ve been teaching. I spoke in front of group of most credible leaders in my industry today. You won’t believe, they were all on the edge of their seats when I was speaking. Thank you for everything you’ve been coaching me on. I have a vision, a dream, to speak in front of you one day. That day I get to acknowledge you in front of everyone finall. I promise. Its in the near future.
Malihe Tavakoli
Modern Network Course
I am so grateful that god put you in my journey. You’ve been there for me like a light and hope in toughest, and darkest days in business. I’m looking forward that the students of your courses become the most succesful people in their industry this year and reach their goals. Maybe this way we could give you the best present as you’ve been there for us with nothing in return.
Saba Nazarian
Modern Network Course
I am account manager from Christchurch, New Zealand. I work hard for the rest of my life, but I realized that earning income through salary is not going to help me to have the life I always dream of. I’ve been searching for years and been listening to global entrepreneur interviews. When I heard Maria’s MLM Nation interview I was impressed by her strength, energy and her leadership quality in such a young age. The best quote I heard from her “If you want to be part of the 1% group, do not do what the 99% do”. Curious, I contacted her and asking her and after hours of conversations i joined the team. I am very grateful that she accepted me to be part of her business. I am honored to be coached personally by her. Within my first 3 months, my team had grown to USA, Italy, Canada, Germany, Malaysia, Spain, Singapore, New Zealand and France. I was stoked, and very surprised with these outcome. Not only it’s been growing and helping me to have a better financial future but also it’s been helping me with my personal and spiritual growth as well.
Elyana Shukri
I owe my happiness and financial freedom to my life, money coach Maria’s spritual lessons and teachings. I wanted to share with you that we were supposed to pay off a 20k check toward our home downpayment and it was the last day. My husband and I been saving toward it for months. But it was not enough and we were not going to make it. Last night just before the deadline we did some of the techniques we learned, and out of sudden we received Switzerland frank, unexpected cash from an old friend that owed us money so many years ago. And after currency exchange we made the 20k to pay off for our mortgage. We used to not believe these principles. But now I have solid faith that it works. And miracles can happen when we believe and have faith and restore integrity and use the principles and lessons Maria teach in Money course. ~~
Ziba Ostovar
Money course
I got all my concerns and questions regarding business, network marketing, online business answered in your course. Now I love my business and my industry. I got that offering my work, my product and my service and opportunity to other people is a gift I get to offer them. A gift to people who might be stuck in their lives and my product and service could serve them and help to create a better life. I’m more happy in life, I”m not worried about the future anymore. Your voice give me hope and empower me. I connect with people in my network easily now. Thank you as you’ve been so patiently coaching me. If it wasn’t for this course and your coaching I would have left the business and this industry long time ago. But today I’m building, growing, and having a vision to create an international team. Thank you for being there for us and giving us such a valuable trainings and coachings for almost nothing.s.
Neda Jalilpour
Modern Network course
I want to thank you fr the three months time and energy you put in with me during the course. It has impacted my life, my work and my personal life so much. I feel I just found myself during this three months. Flow of money is open in my life. In my network marketing team I’m easily sponsoring new people. And easily selling product and growing my team. My relationship with myself and people around me never been this good before. And so much more that I can not put it all in words and I owe it all to your course and your coaching. Thanks you for teaching me how to live and how to build network marketing business both.
Shokooh Barati
Modern Network course
Maria and I met on 2010 where she introduced me to network marketing industry. At the time after years of putting my career as an actor and opera singer on the back burner while balancing a day job as a service director for an airline, I was exhausted and constantly jet-lagged and sleep-deprived. I was often injured and my health and fitness both suffered. My day-job was no longer serving my quest to support my passion. My relationships fell apart because I was trying to juggle it all, and what was making me financially stable was the very thing making my life a mess. Since i met Maria and been working with the team the residual income has allowed me to start taking acting classes with the top acting coach in the country and am attending more auditions than ever. I have since been cast in multiple productions and concerts and have the time to say YES to what I love to do. I have discovered a new passion in photography and film directing, and I have had the opportunity to meet and work with some of my idols. What’s even better is that it has allowed me to help my family to have the same freedom that I am enjoying now. We are building in Italy, Argentina and the Middle East and I’m looking forward to enjoy the free cruise, and travel bonuses with all the incentive programs with the leadership team.
Michelle Righeti
Modern Network course
I joined her network marketing team May 2013 while I was 6 in construction business for 6 years before that and I worked with group of 40+ years old men that i watch them complaining about never had enough money, paying high taxes, they always been in pain from the labor and they never had enough time to spend with their family or doing the things they love to do. That’s where I started to search and found this opportunity that today has changed my entire life. In September 2015 when I was laid off from work for about 2 months I was happy that I was gifted with my new business and I was able to make $500-$1000 each week within that time. Aside from the financial freedom this industry has also been able to equip me with with new skills and a totally different mindset. Before this opportunity I used to party a lot, live pay cheque to pay cheque, chase girls and even do a lot of drugs. Because of the mentorship, the training and all the positive environment I was surrounded with in this team I was able to shape into the person I am today, someone that has been able to create a dream and focus on achieving that dream and teaching and mentoring others to do the same.
Eddy Brenes
Modern Network course
It was Nov 2017 while I was tired and overwhelmed from the stress and issues that I could not handle anymore. There was so many questions in my mind and in that darkness and chaos I could feel a light at the end of tunnel. And I knew there is someone who can help me get clarity to find my path and get clear on how to accomplish my goals and dreams. Once I met Maria right away I participated in her 3 days seminar and realized my god I stepped into a powerful destination. Today this girl Hadis day after day becoming more aware, wise and I was able to build a powerful and purposeful team and find answer to all my questions. I learned how to heal myself, how to face and overcome my fears. And now i’m so align with everything my my powerful coach shows me working with all other students, creating a new movement of love and awareness. Maria thank you for everything you’ve been teaching us. Thank you for the growth and development and the person I’ve become and becoming everyday because of all the help and coaching you do.
Hadis Bakhtiar
Modern Network course
Since I participated in “Modern Network Marketing” digital course my life has completely turned around. My vision, my attitude, my view of life, beliefs, how I see things completely has transformed. Specially the energy around money, the laws of attracting money to my life has helped me so much in my work and business and my personal life. I owe all these to your course. I feel my pathway is so bright and i have so much clarity. I am clear on my purpose in life. Thank you for the energy and inspiration. It’s all wonderful experience.
Setareh Fattahi
Modern Network course
I participated in Nov 2017 seminar first time. Since then I have taken both, “Modern Network Marketing” and “Women In Business” courses. I’ve got many many results from participating in each program in every area of my life from personal to professional. I was finally able to accomplish peace within myself and accept myself for who I am who i am not as a powerful and ideal woman regardless of my age, life circumstances, weight, education, income level or any other criteria. While before participating in Maria’s programs I would evaluate myself and people around me with those criteria and compare myself to them. Since then my self steam has been improved so much. And i’m able to help myself and many women around me to change their relationship with men and understand their value better. I have found my purpose in life and i can recognize my ego and how life would be if i’m not in control of my ego. I am experiencing the unlimited love of serving community, connections and relationships at a different level to the point that i don’t need to offer my product, service or partnership to people because people are a request for my product and business. They love to know more about my business, my industry, and my product. My teams are following up and excited about training and learning and growing. It’s not hard and stressful and chasing and hustling anymore. Everything is ease and flow. In coaching with Maria I learned the correct way of handling challenges. How to create the future and all my dreams using my feelings, my heart and my mind. And how to change circumstances that I don’t like with my energy and my mind. How to lead my relationships with my heart and focus on myself and my feelings vs reacting using my mind. The “Women In Business” and “Modern Network Marketing” courses are all pure Love. It’s hard to describe them in words. You need to experience them to understand it. I have developed skills and knowledge on how to attract, earn, save and grow money in my life. I have a wonderful relationship with money. Now i know and am proud of selling and developed powerful sales skills. Many resources of money been opening up for me and since i’ve finished these courses even in the most unexpected situations a way opened up and the money I needed came to my life miraculously. My beliefs in God and universal laws has been stronger than ever. I have had tremendous growth in spirituality. I feel free and now I understand the human being’s infinity potential of growth. I learned how to accept and handle life changes and realized any change in life is for our good.
Zinat Maavi
All course