The “Women In Business” course in English!

Finally I’m almost ready to launch this baby for my English network! I have a confession to make! Building a multi lingual business in mlm or outside of mlm is challenging! I mean…. when i’m writing, recording, doing lives and creating contents days in and days out in Farsi I completely forget about my English network.! I barely open facebook or my English instegram because my whole time is filled with Farsi speaking clients and i’m producing contents for them! And that’s what I’ve been doing for past eight months! And i’m happy with the results.! But I have not forgot my people! It’s time to launch what has produced massive results, testimonials in farsi speaking community now in my amazing English speaking world.! So here we go..


I want to start with…  Growing up in a single parent family I had to learn how to work for money at different jobs since I was 16 years old.  My last job was at the bank while I was studying engineering at university. I was an over worked, under paid broke student those days who couldn’t really speak English, (I still can’t really! You might noticed that by now just reading this!). Stress, frustrations, debt, long hours work at low  jobs, school expenses had me finally borrow mom’s credit card to join the mlm industry again for that dream of financial freedom that was failed first time. It took me a few weeks to pay mom back and one year after I quit my job and went full-time. That was on July 2009 and I never look back since then. It took me 2 years to pay off my student loan, and all other debts. By age 30 I was 100% debt free, documented six figure earner with my home base business, traveling all over Europe, middle east and USA for business and for pleasure. I can’t describe how joyful it was to earn residual income weeks after weeks for so many years, living a debt free life and travel/live all around the world. However it was not easy and I was not fulfilled! Aside being carious and adventurous something else was missing within me that had me travel and live in different places in the world every year! Watching women, specially young women going through ambitious stage of life, hustling, working in different jobs, mlm companies, sales jobs, accomplishing success yet being drained, numb and unfulfilled was bothering me! Something was missing that these beauties were not fully alive despite of whatever they were earning! I knew what it was! I went through it, and was able somehow to finally transform it and be at the source of my power and my happiness! It was my feminine power! The divine feminine inside me!
I got back in Canada end of Jan 2017 to reset and create, communicate, share what I discovered. I knew years enjoying the fruits of everything I learned, build over years wasn’t all that I came here for. I knew the job wasn’t done and there was more for me to do, to give, to create. There was a calling… And the more I was postponing and ignoring it the louder it was getting!
I tried pushing the same business more and that wasn’t it. The more I ignored the call the more my network marketing team that I build over years suffered and I suffered more! Funny how it works! When it’s time you got no choice! I had to answer that call..! It was time to give back, and share everything, everything that worked and didn’t work with the world. Thirteen years journey of hustling, building, traveling, trial and error, learning and accomplishing, winning yet not being happy and fulfilled.
I knew there are thousands and millions of female entrepreneurs out there struggling and their upline advice of “you just have to work harder” doesn’t do it..! They know there got to be something more.. Something that I discovered over years of spending thousands of dollars on personal development, building and losing teams, trial and error..
We are not going to get into how things lined up for me to turn that into a course. But I finally sit and write pages, and launched a course first in Farsi for the middle east in Nov 2017 since the demand and calling from that side of the world was pretty loud! I’m talking about hundreds of emails, instegram messages, and phone calls in the middle of the night from women who were a demand for coaching, training and support! As soon as it was launched we had hundreds of people registered! Weeks after during the course, and after it was completed the results and testimonials was bringing me to my knees in tears of joy and fulfillment! The course, and the training was producing massive breakthrough results for women, men, families, businesses, companies and communities in a large scale! And I was shocked and surprised on the types of results and testimonials my students were producing in their lives! You can read the screenshot of their msg here! Of course they are from an area in the world where they are not suppose to learn from the western women! An area where fb, youtube and many more things are banned for them! But they are a demand for training and development!
The course is here! I will go live and talk about it with my communities and looking forward to see a day where because of this course we see more and more women in different ages, but specifically teenagers and young in their full self expression, happy, alive, fulfilled offering their special talent, gift to the world, walking on a planet that is safe for them to be fully self expressed and alive!
A day to watch more and more Gen Y in mlm industry on stages speaking, training, traveling, living abundant life and earning income to be themselves!
A day where the depression, assault, suicide, abuse (mentally, emotionally, verbally, sexually, physically) records in people, specially young women has dropped dramatically that people don’t hear, use those words anymore!
A day where men are powerfully showing up to the world to create and run businesses, movements and they are winning massively because they are fulfilled by the respect, love an empowerment they get from the women in their lives and their purpose is to provide and protect her while making sure out there is a safe world for their families.
A day where businesses are succeeding at the level of community and fulfillment of families and their values.
A day where the same men and women not only build their own communities and create a safe space for their children to be raised in but also expand this movement of peace and freedom to other parts of the world…. And that day will come! This course will make the pathway clear while having you fulfilled on your personal goals! Sky is the limit! We can create anything! I can’t by myself! We can!
Bottom line is that in the past decade and more I’ve Learned and I’ve Earned all kind of business, success and life lessons that can help anyone’s life, business turn around and be happy and live life to it’s fullest. The years of success track record, proven experiences, years of training and personal development that produced results in the business and it’s time to give back! I wish I had someone with 13 years success track record, millions of dollars sales volume to partner with me in my first years in business and wanted to hand me her success lessons and say that “No it doesn’t have to be hard. And you don’t need to hustle.” . These coaching, mentor-ship cost me thousands of dollars and now i’m about to share that with the world. The same results that took me years to create might,and will help many create in one year or less. If you are truly ready for a big shift, a big change for your life then I’m here to help you. My job is to show you the direction that someone else showed me when I was finally ready.. That was the time when I stopped and made the decision that Enough is Enough! I want change and I’m ready to be coached and directed only by those who actually made it..! If you are at that stage of your life and ready for the big shift then my promise is that I will reveal to you the world’s best kept secrets.! It’s way simple that you think it is..!
Here is the link for the “Women In The Business” four weeks course..
p.s msg me on fb for any question, comment..etc

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